Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Commentary for We Aim For Injustice by Susannah Hootman

Susannah, I agree with your point of view that partisan elections are inherently partial and that this is problematic for the Texas judicial system overall. However I would also stipulate that while the Texas government is in part responsible for the partiality of our judicial elections we the citizens of Texas are equally if not more responsible for this "cop out." It has become increasingly clear to me that while many Texans want change they refuse to actually go out and vote or let anybody other than the people around him/her know what changes they want. I would go so far as to argue that the partiality of our judicial elections stems from the average Texans' refusal to act and to commit more than a couple of seconds in passing conversation to actually change what we wish to be different. Until Texans realize that nothing will change unless they work together for it our elections will continue to be biased and broken.

Friday, December 4, 2015

San Antonio Changing Rules To Help Planned Parenthood; The Double Standard

The article San Antonio Changing Rules To Help Planned Parenthood on the Empower Texas blog by Gregory Harrison, aims itself very blatantly towards right leaning conservative voters. Blatant in the sense that some of the core beliefs in extreme right political thinking are personified by both the blog post and Gregory Harrison himself. The blog implies that the choice of having an abortion is in itself murder. While that opinion is still a hotly debated issue it still represents a very right leaning way of thinking. Another way it personifies right way thinking is in the idea of crying foul play when they do not get the upper hand.
 Most Republican Texas politicians are made richer by right leaning activists, interest groups, whom in response expect for their calls for less taxes for the rich and easier ways of making the poor stay poor. In spite of this when a left lobbied politician fight adamantly for those who line his pockets just as the right leaning politician would for his/her own backers he claims lobbying to be a sign of dishonesty and malicious intention.
This article is aimed at the uninformed masses who do not realize just how much both parties suffer under their own corruption, and are happier to simply assume that one party must be better simply because it is written by a "good republican." The easiest way to prove this is to actually go onto his article where his most compelling link of evidence is a link to another of his own blog posts where he again very subjectively frames the narrative and even finds a way to frame a city worker's failure to preform his job correctly as a simple cause of "Being on vacation" and "forgetting to read the email" which conveniently happened to outline how any complaints were to be handled from that point on as new policy and how to correctly preform his job.
I disagree with his argument in the sense that I do not consider it unfair that both parties use the same loopholes and backdoor to have their concerns addressed. Unfair for the common Joe perhaps, unfair for the great citizens of Texas but no for both political parties.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

And His Name Is.... Donald Trump

In the "El Paso Times"  Editorial: Donald Trump and the lies that divide Donald Trump's Folly and his nonchalant way of dealing with his own falsehoods are put under a bright unyielding spotlight. This article hits the nail on the head with the idea that while other presidential candidate's integrity is scrutinized and highly criticized Donald Trump's own integrity is not questioned by his supporters even when there is definitive evidence that his claims are false. 

While this has a large impact in the national community it also has a message Texas, a very overwhelmingly Republican state. The Texas collective should not blindly follow a candidate simply because they claim to be republican. The Texas collective should not follow people who lie to paint minorities or certain groups under suspicious light to "call to action" gullible and uninformed citizens. It makes no semblance of a sense to continue to support such an arrogant and outright malicious political figure.

If Texans truly wish to make our great state the best in the country we must strive to look past our political affiliations. We must endeavor to put aside our presuppositions of other groups such as "all republicans are backwards country folk" or "all democrats are long haired peace-loving wimps. This article is poignant because it urges all of America to uphold honesty as a good moral qualifier and by extension urges Texas to look beyond the party name at the ballot box.

Open Carry

The Daily Texan recently released an article on the topic of on campus open carry. Students react to impending open carry This article gives the opinions of four highly qualified Texas professionals of which only one is actually against open carry on school campuses. While it seems somewhat lopsided on which professionals were interviewed the true value of the article actually lies in the comment section. The article itself is not very long or in-depth and in the end serves more as a spark to stoke heated arguments in the comments section of the piece. I think this article is a wonderful example of how simply showing two opposing views can set the masses ablaze with intense, adamant, devoted (if just for a moment) defense for one of two views.