Wednesday, December 2, 2015

And His Name Is.... Donald Trump

In the "El Paso Times"  Editorial: Donald Trump and the lies that divide Donald Trump's Folly and his nonchalant way of dealing with his own falsehoods are put under a bright unyielding spotlight. This article hits the nail on the head with the idea that while other presidential candidate's integrity is scrutinized and highly criticized Donald Trump's own integrity is not questioned by his supporters even when there is definitive evidence that his claims are false. 

While this has a large impact in the national community it also has a message Texas, a very overwhelmingly Republican state. The Texas collective should not blindly follow a candidate simply because they claim to be republican. The Texas collective should not follow people who lie to paint minorities or certain groups under suspicious light to "call to action" gullible and uninformed citizens. It makes no semblance of a sense to continue to support such an arrogant and outright malicious political figure.

If Texans truly wish to make our great state the best in the country we must strive to look past our political affiliations. We must endeavor to put aside our presuppositions of other groups such as "all republicans are backwards country folk" or "all democrats are long haired peace-loving wimps. This article is poignant because it urges all of America to uphold honesty as a good moral qualifier and by extension urges Texas to look beyond the party name at the ballot box.

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